This is my personal GitHub page. I am using this page to document my personal projects and learning experiences.
Home Remote Server
This is a project that I use to configure secure remote access to my home servers running in containers on a Raspberry Pi.
- Containerized
- Cloudflare tunnels for secure access to PiHole, SSH, and Nginx
- Nginx reverse proxy for web cameras
- Authenticated access
- Secure build pipeline using 1Password service account secrets
- Add an automated build pipeline for the Docker containers
- Test Portainer for managing the Docker compose stack
DevPod PoC with Neovim
This is a proof of concept for using DevPod to create a containerized development environment with Neovim and some of the tools that I use in my terminal workflow.It’s a great way to keep my development environment consistent and easy to manage, and a great way to try Neovim without having to install it on your local machine.
This is a project that I am using to learn golang and build a command line tool to securely interact with the Tasty API. TastyTrade is a brokerage that I use for trading options.
- Golang
- urfave/cli
- Lots of things, including some refactoring
- Look at the Auth0 Device Authorization Flow to authenticate the CLI tool
- I’ve been researching how I can use Auth0 Client Credentials to authenticate my CLI tool with the Tasty API. From what Ican tell, it looks like it won’t work because the Tasty API doesn’t support the client credentials flow. I’ll ask some questions at work and see if I’m understanding this correctly.
- I’m going to continue to use the 1Password service accounts to store the secrets for the CLI tool in the meantime. There’s plenty other work to do to get the code working as I’d like.
Practical Go Lessons
This is my repo for the Practical Go Lessons from Ardan Labs that I am working through.
- Golang
- CoPilot - I’m using the Copilot plugin for nvim to help me learn Go
- Finish the lessons in the Foundations section
I’ve leared a ton from omerxx’s YouTube channel. It got me started with nvim, tmux, and getting my terminal setup in a way that’s efficient and fun to use. I’m running Linux Mint on a mid-2012 MacBook Pro, and everything is running great!
I’ve learned about:
- neovim, plugins, and managing plugins
- tmux
- fzf
- copilot for nvim
- tmux ui
It’s a deep rabbit hole, that even includes a mechanical, split keyboard, the Voyager from ZSA
omerxx terminal workflow
This is a good introduction to the tools and configuration that he uses in his terminal workflow. I’ve made use of many of them, but not all. As he says, there’s a lot here and not everything will be usefult to everyone.
- I’d like to try to use DevPod to create a containerized development environment with some of the tools that he uses. Specifically, the ones I’m using now. I’m curious to see if it will be faster and easier to manage than my current setup. I did try this and it did work. I need to spend more time to see how I can keep it updated, but it’s promising. You can check out the the PoC and repo here